mercredi 29 février 2012
Ca le fait, route du 29/02
Pierre nous a montré ses qualités de rouleur et gilles son état de forme,malgré lui, affuté le garçon.
Retour cette fois gros braquet histoire de vider toutes nos cartouches par la foret logique! Total 70 kms en 2h30.
Allez un dernier conseil pour preparer le roc rien de telle que la route ah bon entendeur salut!!!
mardi 28 février 2012
Sortie route 28/02
Perso premiere sortie en semaine en cet fin d'hiver et cela fait du bien au moral et surtout aux jambes.
lundi 27 février 2012
Tour de Broward
1) He promised that there would be a lot of bikers. He was not lying: there must have been at least a thousand riders in different speed groups and distances (50 and 100 km)
2) He promised me that I would see nice bikes. He was not lying: I'm sure that I have never seen so many beautifull toys in one place. All the new stuff was there and everybody was on the high rim carbon wheels, with the newest frames of all the hot brands!
3) He promised me that the organisation would be good. He was not lying: it was perfect from the police stopping traffic at all lights to the technical support (just call and they're there - I had a flat) to the excellent lunch and exhibition park after the finish.
4) He promised me that the asphalt would be smooth. He was not lying: we took a few long straights where it was like rolling on a billiard table.
4) and finally he promissed me that they would ride fast. He was not definitely not bull shitting! We took of in the second group, after a super fast first group had already left (and we never saw again). Unfortunately we lost touch with a nice break away in the front of our group, but we still did 85 km (up to I had the flat) with an average of over 36 km/hour! It was incredible.
Those guys are very serious about their biking! It was a big adrenalin rush to be in such a big peloton of fast bikers.
The only tiny little problem was that I decided to bring some European weather so it rained at that start and it was not very warm (only 18 degr and that is like freezing for those poor Miami people ;-). But it also meant we did not took a lot of pictures, but here is one of us at the finish with one of Fred's friends Sergio.
I think I found the perfect place for next year's VC Senlis Winter Training Camp!!
Halatte de pijaillard sur Garmin Connect - Détails
dimanche 26 février 2012
Sortie route 26/02
samedi 25 février 2012
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A très bientôt pour la livraison et la photo de groupe !
Il est bien évident que seules seront prises en compte les commandes des membres à jour de leurs cotisations. Les demandes "externes" seront traitées et validées par le bureau.
lundi 20 février 2012
VTT 19 Février
Nous étions Huit ce matin, plein d'ardeur et de vigueur. Hugo, Richard, Gilles A, Nicolas, Didier, Pascal, et Moi.
Très joli parcours en forêt d'Ermenonville, nous sommes aller à gauche, à droite, nous sommes montés puis descendus puis remontés puis … etc !
Superbe luminosité, avec une jolie brume qui émanait des arbres.
34 km pour moi (Car j'ai coupé un peu) en 2h30 et un tout petit peu plus pour les autres